Nepean Ringette Underage Policy


This policy applies to all Nepean Ringette Association athletes and teams, except those in Open (adult). 


An “Under-Age Athlete” is any athlete who wishes to play in a particular age group while still being age eligible to play in a younger age group. For example, an athlete still eligible to play at the U10 level but playing at the U12 level would be an Under-Age Athlete. 


Nepean Ringette believes that athletes develop best from both a skill and social perspective in their age-appropriate division as determined by their year of birth.  Unless there are exceptional circumstances, we firmly believe that athletes should play in their age-appropriate division.

In making a determination, the Executive will be guided by the principles of Long Term Athlete Development (LTAD) set by Ringette Canada. By respecting the principles of LTAD, the Executive will look to do what is best for all players in the association. Consistent with these principles, factors that will be considered by the Executive are the physical strength, emotional health and social development of the player.


1. Provincial Level Teams: Nepean Ringette athletes may request to try-out for an age division that is older than the athlete’s designated age division. Formal requests are to be sent per the procedures below. 

2. Novice & Regional Teams: Nepean Ringette athletes may request or be invited to play outside of their designated age division by the Executive. 

3. There can be a maximum of 2 underage players per age group unless the Executive deems it necessary to have more in order to host a team.


An athlete who intends on registering to try out for a Provincial level team above their age eligible division shall provide, in writing, notification to the Competitive Director with rationale supporting their decision. This must be sent no later than 7 days prior to the first tryout. 

Evaluation of Athletes 

1. The athlete must attend tryouts/sort outs for their age appropriate team in addition to the invitational level. *This requirement may be waived at the discretion of the Executive. 

2. During the tryout process the underage player must score in the top 3 as a skater, or as the top goalie, in order to be considered eligible to be placed on a Provincial level team  

3. A subcommittee will be formed consisting of the Competitive Director, and two other executive members for Provincial teams and The Recreational Director and two other executive members for Regional Teams. These subcommittees will be responsible for determining if an athlete will be offered a position on a team not aligned with their age. Decisions will be made on a case by case basis.

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