Eastern Ontario U19AA

The information below is an update regarding the 2024/25 Eastern Ontario U19AA Ringette Program.

If there are any questions, these can be sent to either president@nepeanravens.ca and/or competitive.director@nepeanravens.ca who will help coordinate and respond, as needed.



Eastern Ontario AA Ringette Association Update - June 16, 2024

Follow us on Instagram: easternontarioaaringette

Further to the town hall that was held May 14, 2024, I’d like to bring you up to date on a number of items that we’ve been working on.

1. Call out for applications - Assistant Coach, Goalie Coach - See end of this document for details.

2. Tryout Registration
Registration for tryouts will open up when our RAMP site is finalized. Cost for tryouts will be $200, payable upon registration.

3. Logo Design: We anticipate the logo design to be complete by June 20, 2024. All 3rd year players who signed the Intent to Try Out form have been notified of a zoom call the following week for a ‘sneak peak’ at the logo and colours.

4. Website:
A new RAMP website is currently under development. We are working with RAMP and hope the site will be launched soon!
EasternOntarioAAringette.ca and EOAARA.ca

5. Tryout Dates and Format
Tryouts are structured so that the goalies will have a separate session with elite-level (NRL, Open AA, Open A) shooters. This session will allow the goalies to demonstrate their technical skills: shuffles, t-pushes, butterfly, butterfly slides, and butterfly pushes (also known as power pushes). All the goalies will attend the goalie session, which will be 2 hours in duration.  There will be a skaters-only session on Monday, August 26th. The session is intended to allow skaters to demonstrate their skating skills - forwards, backwards, crossovers, stops and starts, pivots, etc. An elite-level skater will run the session and demonstrate the precise skill/movement required for each drill. Skaters will be divided into three groupings and will attend the designated time for their group.

Goalies Only:
Saturday August 24th @ Richcraft Sensplex

Skaters only:
Monday, August 26th @ Peplinski Arena
5:00pm, 6:00pm, 7:00pm

Following the goalies only and skaters only sessions, the goalies will join the skaters for the remaining tryout sessions. The goalies will be assigned to specific groupings for the next two tryouts. The first releases for skaters and goalies will occur following the Wednesday August 28th tryout sessions.

Goalies and Skaters:·
Wednesday, August 28th @ Minto B
6:00pm, 7:00pm & 9:00pm

Thursday, August 29th @ Minto-B
6:00pm, 7:00pm & 9:00pm

Following the Thursday, August 29th tryout sessions, the assessors will invite 45 skaters and 6 goalies to the remaining sessions on Saturday, August 31st. These 45 skaters and 6 goalies will be placed on three equal teams. These teams will be designated A, B, and C. Players who are invited to this next stage of tryouts will have to pay a $500 registration fee prior to stepping on the ice on Saturday, August 31st.

Saturday, August 31st
8:00am (Peplinski) - A vs C
1:00pm (Minto-B) - A vs B
5:00pm (Barrett-W) - B vs C

Team formation will occur on Sunday, September 1st and Monday, September 2nd.

Players who are not offered a spot on either of the U19AA teams will be refunded their $500. Players who are selected for a team, but decline that offer, will not be refunded their $500.

6. Warm-Ups - We are in the process of securing 6-8 warm up sessions in August prior to the start of tryouts.

7. Q & A’s (These questions were posted on the google doc subsequent to the Town Hall)

Q: Will out of province tournaments be considered, such as Alberta or Nova Scotia?

A: This will be a coach and team decision

Q: Will a coach be allowed to have their daughter on the team?

A: Yes

Q: Will the game pants be the same between the two teams so that players won't need to buy new pants each year if they play for East one year and West the next?

A: Apparel will be the same. There will not be an “east” and “west” team.

Q: With the attempt to try to increase the connection between U19A and U19AA, has there been any thoughts on increasing the game length to 4x10min periods for the U19A?

A: It’s my understanding that Ringette Canada sets the game length for each division to ensure consistency across the country.

Q: With two parent coaches on one team, do their kids automatically get placed with their parents’ team?

A: No

Q: Other than losing a $500 deposit, what happens if players decide they don’t want to play on the team they were chosen for? This will put the teams out of balance especially if they are top players.

A: There are no other sanctions if a player opts out of the AA program after being selected to a team. We certainly hope that by that stage, all players are fully committed to the program. If a player opts out, the next player on the call up list will be placed on a team.

Q: Understanding that the teams will be balanced - will coaches have a say in which players are on their team or will the evaluation process simply build two balanced teams that get assigned a coach.

A: The assessment team (12-16 assessors) will identify the 30 skaters and 4 goalies for the AA program. A smaller group of select assessors (3-4, not including head coaches) will place 10 players and 1 goalie on each team. The remaining 5 players and 1 goalie per team will be selected by the head coaches in a draft format.

Q: Will head/assistant coaches get to be involved with deciding which of the initial 10 players are placed on each team? Will parent coaches be allowed to be involved in the player selection process?

A: The head coaches will not be on the select assessors’ group that place the first 10 players on each team. The head coaches will engage in a draft format to select the remaining 5 players per team.

Q: If a player makes a team would the region consider a player request to have a player placed on a team to provide them with a new coach experience at the U19 age level?

A: The request can be made to the convenor who will share the request with the assessment team. However, there are no guarantees that the request will be granted.

8. Call out for Assistant Coaches

Job Description

Position: Eastern Ontario 19AA Assistant Coach (number of positions TBD)

Deadline: June 30, 2024

Application Link

If you have any questions, please reach out to Kristy Biddle at kristybiddle@icloud.com


Eastern Ontario AA Ringette’s mission is to establish a premier ringette program centered on cultivating excellence, teamwork, and individual growth. The focus is on preparing athletes for success both on and off the ice while instilling a lifelong love for the sport. Additionally, the program aims to support coach development, fostering a culture of sharing and collaboration at both the program and team levels.


Eastern Ontario AA Ringette is accepting additional applications for available positions of Assistant Coach, and Goalie Coach 19AA for the 2024/2025 ringette season. Successful candidates should have: demonstrated ringette experience and knowledge; enthusiasm for the development standards and motivational tactics for elite female athletes; strong organizational and communications skills;

Responsibilities of the Assistant Coach and Goalie Coach include:

  • Serve as Assistant/Goalie Coach for Eastern Ontario Ringette 19AA team for 2024-25 ringette season.
  • Maintain an efficient and calming environment.
  • Assist the Head Coach in implementing season plans
  • Provide the best tactical and technical advice to athletes under the guidance of the Head Coach.
  • Ensure players always represent Eastern Ontario AA Ringette and its governing bodies in a respectful and appropriate manner and ensure all policies and standards are met.
  • Act as a role model for all players and bench staff at all levels of ringette within the ringette community.

In order to be considered, your application must clearly explain how you meet the following essential qualifications. The selection committee will not make assumptions about a candidate’s background and experience. All decisions will be based solely on the information provided by the candidate in the application process. Please refer to the Eastern Ontario AA Coach Selection Process for details on the process.


The following certifications are required as a minimum. Candidates are expected to provide details on when and how the certification was obtained.

  • Competition Introduction (CI) Certification
  • Respect in Sport for Activity Leaders
  • Criminal Record Check with Vulnerable Sector Screening
  • Making Head Way in Sport
  • CAC Safe Sport Training


The following criteria are minimum requirements to be screened-in to the next steps of the selection process. Candidates are expected to provide detailed information on how they obtained the required experience.

EX1: Experience in coaching

EX2: Experience working with high performance athletes


EX1: Experience coaching goalies

The following criteria will be applied/assessed at a later date (essential for the position)


C1: Oral Communication - the ability to clearly deliver information, actively listen and respond openly and effectively to others.

C2: Written Communication - the ability to express ideas in writing that are clear, concise, logical, organized and coherent.

C3: Working with Others - working cooperatively with others across the association/team to achieve common goals.

C4: Developing Others - the ability to support the ongoing learning and development of others by providing encouragement, coaching and mentoring, or teaching others in order to fulfill current and future skills requirements.

C5: Planning and Organizing - accurately determines and organizes detailed plans to achieve results while ensuring the optimal use of resources.

C6: Self-Awareness - ability to accurately perceive own emotions and manage one’s behavior accordingly.

C7: Integrity & Trust - ability to exemplify ethical coaching practices, professionalism and personal integrity and to create a respectful and trusting environment.


K1: Knowledge of Ringette Ontario policies, guides and resources

K2: Familiarity with the Canadian Sport for Life Long-Term Athlete Development Framework (LTAD)

K3: Awareness of Safe Sport initiatives


Possessing experience in the following areas is not mandatory for the position.

AE1: Experience as a ringette coach and/or ringette goalie coach

AE2: Experience as a ringette player and/or goalie

AE3: Experience with U19 ringette

AE4: Experience developing detailed coaching plans

AE5: Experience in multiple ringette associations

AE6: Experience in multidisciplinary ringette activities (e.g. development programs, camps, advisory committees etc.)


All candidates, regardless of background or identity, are encouraged to apply for this opportunity. The Eastern Ontario 19AA Coach Selection Committee deeply values diversity and are committed to fostering inclusivity in the selection process. In alignment with Ringette Canada’s Female on the Bench Policy, we recognize and support efforts to achieve gender balance. As such, preference may be given to qualified female candidates to promote a more gender-balanced bench.

Phyllis Bergmans
Chair, Eastern Ontario AA Ringette Working Group

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